#045 Eliot Crowe – Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – Edifice Complex Podcast
Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 265).
Our guest this episode is Eliot Crowe talking about the publication of the new paper from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Building Commissioning Association on Building commissioning costs and savings across three decades and 1500 North American buildings. The paper is published in “Energy and Buildings, volume 227, 15th Nov 2020.
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In this episode, we discuss:
- Eliot’s work on the LBNL & BCA paper
- Monitoring based Cx and analytics
- Technology Ready Levels (TRL) of buildings
And much more…….
For more information on Eliot
Download the paper free of charge
Eliot has a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design and a master’s degree in Design, Technology and Project Management.
Eliot joined LBNL’s Building Technology and Urban Systems Division (BTUS) November 2016, to support their industry-leading work in the fields of EMIS, M&V, commissioning, and other related areas. He is the co-author of Energy and Buildings, a paper discusses Building commissioning costs and savings across three decades and 1500 North American buildings.
Eliot was previously Executive Director of the California Commissioning Collaborative and technical program manager for PECI.
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