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#054 Prof Liam O’Brien – ABnB Reviews & Built Environment Research – Edifice Complex Podcast

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 293).

Our guest this episode is Professor Liam O’Brien, from Carleton University talking about academic research in the built environment and using open source data for insight.

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In this episode, we discuss:

  • Analyzing 1.35 million ABnB reviews.
  • Don’t be a handbook engineer.
  • No sitting zones.
  • The power of teachers to influence and effect change.

And much more…….

For more information on Liam

Liam on LinkedIn
Liam publications
Human-Building Interaction Lab
IBPSA Canada website


Liam’s work is centered on analyzing the performance of buildings and building components through computer simulation and instrumentation.
Liam is the principal investigator of the Human-Building Interaction Lab with a dozen public and private sector partners and are also connected to Canadian and international researchers through NSERC SNEBRN, IEA EBC Annex 66, and IEA EBC Annex 79. Key projects include:

1) Adaptive/learning office controls that autonomously adapt to individual occupant preferences (light level and temperature) and occupancy patterns while also learning building characteristics.

2) Digital Campus Innovation Project: a project to develop building information models and a comprehensive performance data database for Carleton University’s 45 buildings. We are developing vibrant and illuminating methods of visualizing vast amount of energy and water use data.

3) Stochastic occupant behaviour modelling and incorporation of occupant models in simulation and design practice.

4) Study of condominium comfort and energy performance: new condos tend to have excessively large window areas and generally poor envelopes; this study is focused on understanding occupant behaviour, comfort, and energy in Canadian condos.

Liam has published over 130 academic papers, two textbooks, and has modelled or designed residential, commercial, and institutional buildings in locations ranging from Uganda to Manitoulin Island.

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