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Triple Duty Valves – Still a Thing?

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 100) - All IMHO:How are Triple Duty Valves (TDV’s) on HVAC HTG and CHW systems still a thing in 2017?I saw this arrangement on a CHW system recently;​ Most HVAC design engineers in North America will have no issue with this arrangement. However I…

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E&O’s, CO’s & Shame

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 99) - All IMHO:How is it that the owner and developer “chisels" the design fees and construction budget yet pays change orders for errors and omissions (E&O)?   The owner and developer, who rarely hear the word “no”, wants a “Green Building” (developer virtu-signalling as well…

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Dead Legs

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 98) - All IMHO:Right or wrong, if something appears enough times, it becomes accepted as normal. I guess it is the law of numbers and repetition. Lately, pipework dead legs are appearing on multiple projects. They exist, not because of bad pipework fitting, but because…

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+/- 10%?

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 97) - All IMHO:I cannot stop myself continuing down the rabbit hole of UK Vs USA approaches to building services engineering. Who cares? I care, because I am a total nerd.So, this weeks nerd fest is about Testing, Adjusting & Balancing (TAB)…

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Commissioning Plans Vs Method Statements

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 96) - All IMHO:Why do British engineers and contractors ask for method statements? I have frequently been asked this question by American construction professionals in the Middle East.  ​Method statements are a sleep inducing subject. However, given the mix of cultural influences on international projects…

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