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How to Make $$$$ in TAB

  • September 28, 2017

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 120) - All IMHO:“Back in the day”, say the 1970’s and early 1980’s, was a time when Testing Adjusting & Balancing (TAB) was considered a high technology, high skill activity and the answer to poor HVAC outcomes. During this period it was…

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e-mail is for old people!

  • September 23, 2017

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 119) - All IMHO: I am fascinated by how bad, “competent" people are with e-mail. I subscribe to the view that, how you do something, is how you do everything. How we interact with people long term signals who we really are. Plus, we…

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Edifice Complex Podcast Launch

  • September 14, 2017

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 118) - All IMHO:    I am outside my comfort zone. Starting a podcast and getting everything ready has required a lot of learning. Who knew, talking with interesting people is difficult! Interviewing is a skill that Robert and I are developing. All…

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