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The Algebra of Choice

  • April 26, 2019

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 192).        Do what you always do, get what you always got.  Not sure where I heard this but IMHO, it is a truism that can be impacted when using Life Time Value (LTV) to select projects and work assignments.…

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1960’s Modular Construction

  • April 19, 2019

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 191).        What will it take to move the new building supply chain to modular construction?  I was in San Antonio Texas recently and took a river boat trip that went past the 1960’s Hilton Palacio del Rio. So far…

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Matthew Marson – Head of Smart Buildings WSP

  • April 12, 2019

Shout out and big thank you to Matthew Marson, head of Smart Buildings at WSP, for coming on the Edifice Complex podcast. It was a great interview, Robert and I had a shift in perspective after talking to Matthew. The Smart Buildings Episode will drop May 15, 2019.  If you…

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TAB Witnessing Protocol

  • April 5, 2019

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 189).    There is an element of “voodoo” about commissioning based entirely on the property industry’s lack of understanding of what it actually is. Consequently, there is a lack of clarity resulting in the same questions on auto-loop. Two of these perpetual…

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