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Farewell 2019

This will be my last post in 2019 and I want to sincerely thank everyone who takes the time to read my self medicating, rambling thoughts on the crazy that is the built environment design and development industry. When you think no more corners can be cut or skills lost the…

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Edifice Complex Podcast – Thank you 2019

Big thank you to everyone who subscribes to the Edifice Complex podcast. Robert and I are working hard to bring more hidden and not so hidden stars of our industry to your attention in 2020. We wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2020.! Edifice Complex Podcast Podcast Website Podcast on YouTube…

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Edifice Complex Podcast #032 Henry Gordon-Smith – Agritecture

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 222). Our guest this episode is international keynote speaker Henry Gordon-Smith talking about Urban Agriculture and the built environment. As founder of @agritecture, Henry guides entrepreneurs, cities, and companies on triple-bottom-line #localagriculture #urbanag #verticalfarming solutions. If you enjoy this episode, share it…

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Luxury Hotel Design

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 221). Following feed back from my previous post on "Robust CHW System Design" and things that do not survive human algorithms i.e. copy & paste design or value engineering, this post provides some additional recommendations for "super luxury" hotel design. To review,…

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