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WSP Prey or Predator?

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 225). What is the 2020 business outlook for AEC firms? It is only January and the market is sending some interesting signals. On January 13th Bloomberg reported that WSP had "approached" AECOM about a deal. Anecdotally, I know that WSP have been…

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How to Change the Property Industry

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 224). I posted a link to my AABC 2019 Annual meeting presentation called "Outside the Bubble: International and Mega TAB Projects, 5G + IoT". Barry Wormald of AESG made some great comments that made me think, my reply follows. Barry, Thank you for…

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Building Whisperer – AABC 2019 Annual Meeting

My presentation at the 2019 AABC Annual meeting is now online. I ramble about Cx & TAB differences between the Brit's and North Americans, lessons learned from working on international mega projects and the potential disruption coming from IoT and 5G. Apologies for over use of the filler words "So…

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