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Farewell and good riddance 2020

  • December 22, 2020

What a nightmare year! I have not been on an airplane in 9 months, this has not happened in over 20 years. It is not all bad, working from home is more productive for me and I have been overdosing on my favourite form of medication, comedy. These have been…

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BlueRithm Issue Log & Punch List Updates

  • December 18, 2020

BlueRithm are always working on new features and improvements. In our latest update, one of the biggest improvements is a new detailed view of the issues log. This brings everything about each issue into a single page, along with some great filtering capability to help facilitate collaboration and the issue…

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“echo” knows your building

  • December 18, 2020

Whilst our users love managing their drawings and getting results in 1 click using echo, we have been listening carefully to your feedback. The next version of echo will be released in 2021 and it will be better than ever. Here are 10 enhancements we are delivering in the next…

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All the Cx Codes & Standards in 1 Slide

  • December 7, 2020

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 264). 1 Slide, 1 Ramble My ramble on specifying building commissioning. My main take away? 9 out of 10 building commissioning specifications really do more harm than good. I used the completely useless word "should" too much. I "should" be a billionaire…

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BlueRithm Cx Software Updates

  • December 5, 2020

BlueRithm recently made some updates I thought you might be interested in. Before we jump into updates, did you know that BlueRithm has software solutions for the following industries: • Building Systems Commissioning • Testing, Adjusting & Balancing • Pharmaceutical Commissioning and Validation • Commissioning and Completions on Energy Projects…

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It all came down to this…..

  • December 2, 2020

All the years of education and training comes down to a signing and stamping moment. Stamping reports and drawings is a bit like signing credit card transactions, not sure it is relevant in 2020? #260 -What is Best, Qualified or Certified? #edificecomplexpodcast #ProjectManagement #makingbuildingswork #podcast #CxM#bluerithm #echoknowsyourbuilding #drawingsfound  #facilitiesmanaged #Cx #Cxnomad…

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Commissioning Roles & Responsibilities

  • December 1, 2020

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 263). 1 Slide, 1 Ramble My ramble on building commissioning roles and responsibilities. The main take away? For good outcomes, specifications must be precise with zero ambiguity. Commissioning roles and responsibilities must be assigned within the specification. Who is to blame for…

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