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“echo” knows your building

Whilst our users love managing their drawings and getting results in 1 click using echo, we have been listening carefully to your feedback. The next version of echo will be released in 2021 and it will be better than ever.

Here are 10 enhancements we are delivering in the next release:

  1. Get Started dashboard: shortcuts to use your most valuable tools from across the system at a glance
  2. Key Plans: the ability to utilize Key Plans as a searching method
  3. Project Search: the ability to search for drawings by project using a brand-new tool
  4. Project Years: projects now have optional year values, which can also accept multiple years as a range
  5. UI Improvements: the UI has been modernized to utilize more current web technologies
  6. Mobile Compatibility: the core UI has been upgraded to better support mobile users on all mobile devices
  7. Customization: users can now totally customize their system to reflect their usage patterns
  8. Breakout Tools: users can now view their building breakouts in a brand-new tool
  9. Live support: users can interact with the chatbot and live support resources
  10. Knowledge base: users can access the knowledge base for training resources

Bonus enhancements:

  1. New discipline & author-based versions of the search wizard
  2. Speed enhancements for quicker search results
  3. We are improving our listening by bringing performance improvements to support and manage feedback

If you can search the internet you can manage drawings with echo.

Also, digital drawing management has many cost benefits:

  1. Accurate document retrieval with 1 click
  2. Zero physical storage costs plus free disaster recovery
  3. Vastly reduced paper and ink consumption, which is good for the environment!

We will keep you updated on progress and release date. Happy holidays and new year! 2021 will be a great year!

#echoknowsyourbuilding #drawingsfound #facilitiesmanaged



DCM Inc Advisor

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