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Edifice Complex Podcast – Explore Whats Up!

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 117) – All IMHO:
The world is not short of podcasts. However, in property design and development;

  • Who are the champions, the Conor McGregor’s, of project managers, architects, built environment engineers or sustainability consultants? 


  • Who is doing great work?


  • Who is innovating and leading?


  • Who should undergraduates and junior built environment professionals look up to and model themselves on? 


  • How is the built environment moving forwards?

These are questions to investigate and why Robert Bean and I are launching a podcast on September 15, 2017 called “Edifice Complex”. 

Edifice Complex is a property design and development podcast. It will help you keep up with;

  • Who is innovating and doing great work
  • Perspective on the adjacent possible
  • Challenges to the status quo

So who is Robert Bean?

Robert is an engineer, technologist and ASHRAE distinguished lecturer. Robert works at the intersection of business, buildings, science, demographics, industrial design and product ergonomics. He is a thought leader and like myself, frustrated with the current status quo. You can find out more at:

Yes, I know, everyone seems to have a podcast nowadays. However, why can’t the built environment be an interesting and entertaining topic?

My ambition, is to one day do a stand-up comedy routine on the absurdities of property design and development. Maybe this will be a source of good material, time will tell.

We are not sure how this will all work out but we want to explore, we want to highlight great people, great work and awesome projects. Our objective is for the podcast to stand as a long term resource and source of inspiration for anyone interested in the built environment. 

There will be 12 episodes per year, each episode dropping on the 15th of the month via iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube etc. We have several episodes already in the bag with some very distinguish industry leaders. 

In the mean time we are looking for more worldwide examples of excellence and innovation to investigate and interview. If you know of an awesome project, innovation, person doing great work or someone who is “property adjacent” and just plain interesting or “magnificent”, please message Robert or myself on linkedin or twitter. 

One more thought, sponsors and advertisers are also welcome, turns out, podcasting costs money! 

Robert and I will keep our networks updated with progress and the website lunch. 

We are now in the dog days of summer so I will be off for August and back in September. Have a great summer everyone.  

Twitter: @BLDWhisperer

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