Edifice Complex Podcast – Future Guests
We are frequently asked who is coming up on the podcast so I thought I would address that and today and return to other matters next week.
Podcasting is growing rapidly and works because it is “narrow casting”. The benefits of a “narrow cast”, niche podcast and audience is that nobody is wasting their time as the subject matter and personalities are on point. We are targeting high impact people and content. The purpose is to provide evergreen content that educates and profiles great work and people.
So who have we interviewed so far? Well, in no particular order:
In this episode, we discuss;
- The gap between energy and thermal comfort,
- Why resultant temperature matters
- Dr. P. Ole Fanger and the Thermal Comfort Index ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Povl_Ole_Fanger ),
- How controls are the “ambassadors of building occupants to the HVAC system”.
Dr. Peter Simmonds: A recognized authority in the field of Radiant heating and cooling systems, as well as Thermal Comfort. Publications of his work led to the development of radiant systems in the USA and are included in the ASHRAE Handbooks. He has been involved in the design and operation of tall, super tall, and mega tall buildings around the world for more than 30 years and authored the new ASHRAE Design Guide for Tall, Mega Tall and Super Tall Building Systems. I loved this interview, great insights from a true veteran who speaks his mind.
In this episode, we discuss;
- Peter’s work on Bangkok International Airport (Displacement ventilation & radiant cooling),
- The importance of Mean Radiant Temperature and Thermal Comfort,
- Comfort driven building design.
Andrew Bowerbank: Global Director for Ellis Don and leads their Carbon Impact Initiative. Andrew was named one of Canada’s top 16 sustainability leaders through the 2017 “Clean50”, is a member of the World Bank’s Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, and he chairs the Cleantech Advisory Board at Centennial College.
Andrew is the former Executive Director/CEO of the World Green Building Council representing over 60 member nations. During his tenure with the WorldGBC, he was the member representative at the United Nations Environmental Programme.
In this episode, we discuss;
- Being at a tipping point and the Net Zero Building market forecasted to be $1.8 Trillion (yes! “trillion”) by 2020,
- Being cause driven not money driven,
- The Ellis Don Low Carbon Impact Initiative.
Professor Roland Clift CBE: Dr. Clift helped develop the discipline of Industrial Ecology and was one of the first to define and examine “clean tech” as a sector within the built environment. He is also:
- Emeritus Professor of Environmental Technology and Founding Director of the Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey
- Past Executive Director and President of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)
- Visiting Professor in Environmental System Analysis, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Adjunct Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- Visiting Professor in Centre for Industrial Ecology, University of Coimbra, Portugal
In this episode, we discuss;
- Ethics around, engineering, sustainability and the built environment
- The established legal principal that “I was only following orders or doing what everyone else was doing” is not a defense,
- The professors 3 ideas to make a difference.
Jerry Yudelson: Called the “God Father” of green building by Wired magazine, Jerry is one of the America’s leading experts on green buildings and the author of 13 books. In 2006, the U.S. General Services Administration named Jerry a “National Peer Professional.” Jerry is one of the original 10 LEED national faculty members, from 2001 to 2008 and now an advocate for “Reinventing Green Building”.
In this episode, we discuss;
- Buildings as information devices
- LEED certification and why it is not working
- The difference between standards and codes in one sentence!
Mario Iusi: Mario is the former President/CEO for Ameresco Canada, and is now at the forefront of the Internet of Things (IOT) as EVP with SensorSuite, a firm that provides a real-time sensor intelligence platform that connects managers to their buildings and the machines within.
In this episode, we discuss;
- Performance contracting
- The internet of things (IOT)
- The future integration of buildings and the internet
Kristof Irwin: Kristof is Principal of Positive Energy, a company in Austin, Texas bringing the human factor to designing and delivering buildings. Kristof worked for 14 years as an engineer, research scientist, and physicist for government and university research labs. He as the Chair of AIA Austin’s Building Enclosure Committee, several ASHRAE committees – ASHRAE TC-2.1 (Physiology & Human Environment), ASHRAE SSPC-55 (Thermal comfort), ASHRAE SSPC-62.2 (Ventilation/IAQ), and the RESNET ANSI Standards Development Committee (SDC).
Kristof also hosts The Building Science Podcast to promote education and understanding in the public and on project teams.
In this episode, we discuss;
- How energy is a technology, not just a fuel,
- Air filters can be a poignant moment in life!
- How “health is the new green”
I will signal before the 15th of each month who will be coming up. In the mean time, if anyone has a suggestion who we should speak to please message me.
Twitter: @BLDWhisperer
Related posts & links:
#122 – Edifice Complex Podcast – #003 Holley Chant – Sustainability a UAE Perspective ( https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/edifice-complex-podcast-003-holley-chant-uae-adam-muggleton/?trk=mp-reader-card )
#118 – Edifice Complex Podcast Launch ( https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/edifice-complex-podcast-launch-adam-muggleton/?trk=mp-reader-card )
#117 – Edifice Complex Podcast – Explore Whats Up! ( https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/edifice-complex-podcast-explore-whats-up-adam-muggleton/?trk=mp-reader-card )
Edifice Complex Podcast
Podcast: www.edificecomplexpodcast.com
Podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDGEo1pCt2k8NzvBNJ_78lA
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