New Charts, Reports & Performance Improvements
BlueRithm have released several updates recently. Here’s what they have been up to:
- New charts
- Improved existing charts
- Work Matrix now available as a report section type for PDF exports
- Bulk follow subscription add/remove options
- Substantial builder performance improvements
New Charts
BlueRithm have added new charts and updated existing ones to help add clarity and efficiency in understanding your projects. They have also added full filtering options to several areas on project Overview pages.
The updated issue and work activity charts are now included on the Issue Summary and Work Summary report section types.
The Work Matrix is now available as a report section type for PDF exports.
The Work Matrix is a great tool for visualizing overall progress on an equipment by equipment or system by system basis. Now you can export it to PDF and include it in any report builder configuration.
Issue and Work Follow Subscriptions can now be added and removed in bulk.
Performance has been increased significantly for most report types, bringing total export time to minutes in many cases.
BlueRithm, have much more in store for 2021!
If you and your team are ready to start taking control of your projects, and want to get started, you can begin a free trial right now.
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