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In Praise Of The Logic Network

In Praise of the Logic Network

Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 127).

A Gantt chart without an underlying logic network is just a pretty picture IMHO.

I have written about this before, however I am seeing project after project where the programme (schedule), has no functioning, underlying logic. However the Gantt chart looks amazing, with all sorts of pretty colours which everyone pretends is correct, complete and logical.

To keep things simple, lets talk about the commissioning programme, which is a “graphical strategy” for system completion and progress assessment.

A commissioning programme requires:

1. Detailed logic network for each system
2. Detailed logic network for whole building systems integration testing
3. Milestones with 1 and 2 week look aheads to manage up coming work

Each system network must show:

  • logical predecessors 
  • logical successors 
  • possible parallel actives 
  • system interfaces
  • documentation milestones
  • milestones for verification/witnessing

Each network is unique, written to reflect the technical complexities and interfaces of the project.

On completion of each system network a whole building systems integration network can be drawn for systems integration testing.

The completed whole building systems integration network can then be rolled into Primavera, Power Project or MS Project to satisfy the desk jockeys who need a nice Gantt chart.

The point is, the Gantt chart will now work due to the sound underlaying logic. However to manage the commissioning process there is no more powerful tool, IMHO than the systems networks.

So who cares and what are the benefits?

Anyone with accountability around outcomes with integrity should care.

The benefits are:

  • Clarity
  • Realistic project programming (scheduling)
  • A visual map for logical pathways to systems completion
  • A visual map for systems status/progress
  • A visual map for simple identification of complex system inter-dependencies
  • Can be used to identify operational risk issues before they manifest
  • Can be actioned without expensive software i.e. no need for Primavera, Power Project or MS Project unless it is required by the contract

Who doesn’t want this? People who do not understand building commissioning and think MEP systems are “plug and play”.

A definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. How many buildings have to be delivered with defects and none working systems before real planning, commissioning, testing and verification becomes normal?

Embrace the logic network and bring clarity to the project.

Twitter: @BLDWhisperer

Related posts & links:
#90 – The Primavera Emperor Has No Clothes 

Edifice Complex Podcast
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