Where Next for Cx?
Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 237).
Where does building commissioning go to from here?
There are three macro factors that I think will change building commissioning:
- Advances and deployment of technology such as IoT and 5G.
- Demographic changes resulting is an industry wide shortage of experience and expertise.
- Social and cultural changes to our relationship with buildings emerging from the recent virus event.
Design, construction and management of buildings will all be deeply impacted by the 3 “horsemen” listed above. Today I will focus on the least understood aspect of building delivery i.e. building commissioning.
Each era begets the next era (very biblical, I know). The evolution to date of building commissioning is summarized in the chart below.
Building Commissioning Evolution
Key evolution milestones:
- Formation of AABC in the 1960’s and NEBB in the1970’s.
- CIBSE Commissioning codes starting early 1980’s.
- ASHRAE Guideline 1 in 1989.
IMHO, CIBSE, ASHRAE, NEBB, ACG and BCA are all asleep at the wheel. They seem to have slowed down and given their thought leadership to the Green Building Councils who, in my opinion, are a waste of time and slowly becoming discredited.
My evidence for this provocative statement? Here are two examples:
- There is a complete lack of guidance and standards for Integrated Systems Testing (IST). Even though it is vital for testing and handing over buildings.
- Not a peep from them on IoT and 5G i.e. digital building commissioning.
The future is coming and it consists of:
- Evidence based design.
- Off site, modular construction plus “smart” construction techniques.
- Digital, algorithm based testing and commissioning.
- Digital, algorithm based facilities management.
I will be writing about all 4 of these evolution’s in upcoming posts.
For building commissioning practitioners, your job will be changing and a new skill set will be required. We will look at what that new skill set consists of next week. In the mean time, buckle up, the future is digital and automated, it belongs to those who prepare.
An apt Chinese proverb says, “dig the well, before you are thirsty”. I would say, start acquiring the skills you will need in the future, now.
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